Seeds of Confidence - The Third International SEAL Conference in Argentina

February 10 - 12, 2000 - Buenos Aires



Plenaries and Workshops

click on a title for a description of the workshop

Robert Gillan
Plenary: How we learn
1 The SEAL of Art
2 Dealing with Difficult People
Robert Reasoner
Plenary: Who You are Makes a Difference
1 Strategies for Building Motivation and Self-Esteem in the Classroom
2 Creating Schools that Inspire Greatness
Adrian Underhill
Plenary: The Web of Relationship
1 Self-Esteem and Accurate Empathy
2 Developing Confidence in Critical Moments
Jane Arnold
1 Learn to Move, Move to Learn
2 Learning with the Mind's Eye
Eva Hoffman
1 Putting it all together: learning skills for children
2 For You, Dear Teacher!
David Kettlewell
1 Coupling the Words and the Notes Lovingly together
2 Swedish in 120 minutes? A Language Lesson for the Whole Learner
Henk Kooij
1 The Hidden Power of Sound
2 The Human Voice: The Teacher's Most Powerful Instrument.
Ricardo Cavallini
Self-Smart, People-Smart: Developing our intra-inter personal skills
Susan Cocimano
Through the Looking Glass: Psychodrama in the Classroom
Leonor Corradi
Multiple Intelligences at Work
Verónica de Andrès
Making Contact in Harmony
Marilyn Fogg
The Balancing Act - Managing Stress
Mercedes Moore
Live Learning
Graciela Rodriguez
Be What You May
Viviana Roig
Four Shoes, One Heart: Exploring Empathy




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