Seeds of Confidence - The Third International SEAL Conference in Argentina
February 10 - 12, 2000 - Buenos Aires
Plenaries and workshops

Mercedes Pérez Berbain de Moore

Workshop: Live Learning

We have heard about Multiple Intelligences, Suggestopedia, Team Building, Learning Styles, Whole Language, TPR, Emotional Intelligence, the power of videos, the enchantment of stories...

We feel the need to learn and to teach values and skills and knowledge: communicative skills, cognitive skills, life skills, knowledge about language and about life.

Live Learning is an attempt to present some aspects of the above live. We will experience an act of learning to get where we started and hopefully "... know the place for the first time".

We shall never cease from striving
And the end of all our striving
Will be to arrive where we began
And to know the place for the first time.



We have heard about Multiple Intelligences, Suggestopedia, Team Building, Learning Styles, Whole Language, TPR, Emotional Intelligence, the power of videos, the enchantment of stories...

We feel the need to learn and to teach values and skills and knowledge: communicative skills, cognitive skills, life skills, knowledge about language and about life.

Live Learning is an attempt to present some aspects of the above live. We will experience an act of learning to get where we started and hopefully "... know the place for the first time".




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