Seeds of Confidence - The Third International SEAL Conference in Argentina
February 10 - 12, 2000 - Buenos Aires
Plenaries and workshops

Marilyn Fogg

Workshop: The Balancing Act - Stress Management

"The Balancing Act" is the title of a superb anthology of Russian literature by contemporary Russian women. One particular story "A Business Trip Home", speaks of the difficulty faced by contemporary women everywhere: how to balance all aspects of their lives, particularly the professional and the domestic. It is both touching and familiar. I "borrowed" the title of this book for my Workshop.

The Workshop deals with the technical side of stress, the pros and cons. However, it is essentially a hands-on workshop, consisting of activities and practical experiences aimed at identifying the causes of stress.

The object of which is to "see things in perspective" and develop a new outlook regarding stress.

Presentation / Activities All welcome




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