Seeds of Confidence - The Third International SEAL Conference in Argentina
February 10 - 12, 2000 - Buenos Aires
Plenaries and workshops

Eva Hoffman

Workshop 1: Putting it all Together: Learning Skills for Children

One of the most precious gifts we can give our children is to help them learn how to learn and enjoy it. The LEARN TO LEARN programme is a fascinating self-discovery fun adventure, enabling children to find their own, unique, most effective and most enjoyable ways of learning. We work towards that goal by:

  • showing children how to like themselves, how to find trust and joy in their uniqueness, and how to improve their self-confidence,
  • helping them learn how to relax and get rid of unwanted stress,
  • practising with them the ways of focusing attention,
  • presenting them with a selection of wonderfully effective learning techniques.

Parents who come to the workshop will find out

  • how to determine what type of learner their child is,
  • what to do to enhance their child's self-esteem,
  • how to teach their child to relax,
  • what to do to help increase their child's attention span,
  • what learning tools their child could use to learn effectively and have fun!!!

Workshop 2: For You, Dear Teacher

As teachers, we are always looking for ways of making our work more effective.

While we concentrate all our efforts on caring for others, we tend to neglect ourselves in the process. We forget that we are not the role we play in life but people in our own right. It sounds obvious, but is it?!É

This workshop will remind us

  • that we are people in our own right, NOT our role;
  • that WE have needs that matter as much as other people's needs;
  • that we need to develop and protect OUR sense of self-worth,
  • that it is necessary to take care of OUR learning, growth and self-development,
  • that WE can develop a set of handy tools which will HELP US live better lives,
  • that in order to LIVE (not survive life) we have to make work fun for ourselves,
  • and that teaching is THE MOST WONDERFUL AND MOST IMPORTANT PROFESSION even when we don't feel that way!




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