Seeds of Confidence - The Third International SEAL Conference in Argentina
February 10 - 12, 2000 - Buenos Aires
Plenaries and workshops

Verónica de Andrés

Workshop: Making Contact in Harmony

What we think of ourselves permeates all our activities, enhances or hinders our personal and professional growth, influences our interaction with others and makes a direct impact on the very quality of our existence. In this workshop we shall explore ways to enhance our self-esteem by experiencing activities which enable us to make contact in harmony with the whole, happy, harmonious self that lives inside each of us.

These activities are based on the belief that education can be a process which gives the individual freedom to experience and grow fully. As Mahatma Gandhi noted "Real education consists in drawing the best out of yourself". Self-esteem enhancement is a challenge, perhaps the most interesting quest to improve the very quality of our existence and to draw the best out of ourselves and others.




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