Seeds of Confidence - The Third International SEAL Conference in Argentina
February 10 - 12, 2000 - Buenos Aires
Plenaries and workshops

Adrian Underhill

Plenary: The Web of Relationship

The web of relationship touches everything that happens in the classroom. It relates the attitudes and intentions of the teacher with the quality of engagement and confidence experienced by the learner. The web includes our relationship to ourselves, to the task, and to others. It helps to transform a task into a challenge. Indeed we can participate with our students in consciously designing and weaving this web, and in being supported by it.

Workshop 1: Self Esteem and Accurate Empathy

A practical workshop on giving confidence to a speaker (e.g. a student) through the quality of the teacher's own listening and presence. Starting with the simple act of listening with warmth, presence and attentiveness, we will explore how that can enable the speaker to speak from another level where she feels more herself and more able to say what she wants to say. We will observe some very simple inner movements for bringing trust and empathy into the transaction between two or more people, and for allowing another to take the risk of being who they are.

Workshop 2: Developing Confidence in Critical Moments

We will explore some of the ways we respond to difficult or unexpected situations in the classroom, those critical moments when we lose our poise and our confidence, and things go in a direction we did not choose and do not want. We will look at how to turn such situations to everybody's advantage, and at how to land on our feet and help others do the same, so that whatever happens is part of the lesson. Practical, improvisatory and liberating.




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