Seeds of Confidence - The Third International SEAL Conference in Argentina
February 10 - 12, 2000 - Buenos Aires
Plenaries and workshops

Jane Arnold

Workshop 1: Move to Learn and Learn to Move

Movement and the body, the physical side of our being, have consistently been ignored in education and, yet, holistic educators have long been insisting that we must be concerned with learners´ cognitive, affective and physical natures if we are to plant the seeds of true growth. In this workshop we will be exploring reasons, including neurobiological evidence, for "minding the body" and for using kinaesthetic activities in education in general and in the EFL classroom in particular.

Participants will explore ways to bring movement into the classroom and will experience several different activities which show the wide range of possibilities for including the kinaesthetic, such as brain gym, puppets, body language, and "moving" jazz chants. Movement can be used to teach grammar, pronunciation, and to help develop the different skills. The basic ideas are valid for all levels and language learning situations.

Using movement in the classroom is not a waste of time; in fact, if we don't move, we may be wasting opportunities to learn. The session will close with circle dancing.

Workshop 2: Language Learning with the Mind's Eye

If we do not take advantage of the world of mental imagery, we are in a way blind; if we use our mind sight, we open up new doors to learning and creativity. This workshop deals with mental imagery and the process of visualisation in a very experiential way. After we look briefly at why imagery can assist learning, participants will have the opportunity to see for themselves how visualisation can be used in the classroom and will design an imagery activity of their own.

We will look at a variety of ways that imagery can enrich aspects of language learning from improving memory to planting seeds of self-confidence to developing teaching materials. As teachers, we, too, can benefit from using our mind sight. Come and see.




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