Seeds of Confidence - The Third International SEAL Conference in Argentina
February 10 - 12, 2000 - Buenos Aires
Plenaries and workshops


Robert Reasoner

Plenary: Who You Are Makes a Difference

This keynote address is appropriate for all staff and community members. It provides for active participation among participants as they explore suggestions for building personal self-esteem and motivation. It is designed to enable individuals to deal more effectively with the increasing rate of change and stress in our lives.

Workshop 1: Creating Schools that Inspire Greatness

This presentation addresses all the aspects of a school that contribute or detract from positive mental health in staff and students. It addresses issues related to discipline, school policies, grouping, instructional strategies, staff morale, and how to evaluate and monitor student and staff attitudes. Specific suggestions for administrators will be included.

Workshop 2: Strategies for Building Motivation and Self-Esteem in the Classroom

This presentation presents a model for building student self-esteem and motivation in the classroom. Specific activities and teaching strategies that teachers can use to reduce discipline problems and foster initiative, self-confidence, and harmonious relationships will be shared.





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