Seeds of Confidence - The Third International SEAL Conference in Argentina
February 10 - 12, 2000 - Buenos Aires
Plenaries and workshops

Robert Gillan

Plenary: How we Learn

This presentation examines what actually happens in the brain when we process new information. It looks at the biology and neurology of learning and shows how the brain is a pattern-making organism, ever eager to learn and to make sense of new information.

To quote John Abbott "the brain is always trying to make connections between existing patterns and new patterns. The individual's brain appears to have a limitless storage of pictures, or map-like patterns, which offers teachers a massive resource for planting new ideas". By understanding the physical aspect of learning we can dramatically improve our ability both to teach and to learn.

Workshop 1: The SEAL of Art

Since time immemorial the role of art has been to communicate. Its aim has been to teach: indeed it is perhaps one of the most powerful and effective vehicles for transporting new information into our long-term memory. Many of those techniques which we now consider to be modern or innovative have been very much in evidence in art for a very long time.

This session shows how art communicates. By demonstrating its methodology it shows how art is the ideal form of whole-brain learning. It shows how the ideas to be found in Suggestopedia, NLP and Multiple Intelligence Theory, to name but a few, have been used by artists for centuries.

Our job as teachers is to learn from the teaching techniques of art and so to enrich our own learning and teaching.

Workshop 2: Dealing with Difficult People

It is a sad but inevitable fact that many of us have people in our lives with whom we would prefer not to have to live or work. We describe such people as 'difficult'.

This session shows how we all have a distinct working style and a distinct style in which we react to other people. It is when we have to deal with people with differing working styles and personal styles that we consider those people to be 'difficult' &endash;at the same time, they probably find us 'difficult'.

This workshop will show you what the different working and personal styles are. It will teach you a great deal about yourself and about others and will therefore give you the confidence to deal with people in a constructive, positive and harmonious manner.




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