Seeds of Confidence - The Third International SEAL Conference in Argentina
February 10 - 12, 2000 - Buenos Aires
Plenaries and workshops

Susan Cocimano

Workshop: Through the Looking-Glass - "Psychodrama in Education"

We reflect ourselves in our students. We give out information and we receive back from them that same information.

Yet, what is there really on the other side?

Why not go a step further and try to find out how much our students know about a certain topic?

Why not let them tell us what they know or think they know , and from there start to teach?

Psychodrama in Education to teach, evaluate, review, introduce and understand a subject.

Psychodrama in Education as a complement of other methodologies.

The workshop will consist in:

a. Psychodrama in a nutshell (theory)
b. Let's get to work (experience)
c. Sharing




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