Dyalogus Creaturarum:


De Leone

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De Leone qui edivicavit cenobium * Dyalogus.xcij

About the Lion who built a Priory: Dialogue 92

Once there was a lion who, for the sake of his soul and those of his parents, founded a most excellent priory, and filed it with all kinds of different animals, and gave them a rule to live by. As prior, he chose a young deer, thinking him very spiritual. Now, the fur of the deer is of varying colours, and it turned out that the same was true of the young deer's spirituality. By favouring now one of the brothers and now another, he caused great disputes among them, which threatened to lead to violence. But then an old and wise working-horse said, "This is no good, brothers: we must replace this aggressive prior with another who will bring peace and agreement among us".

The brothers were pleased with this speech, and they were united in removing the prior, proving the old saying,

Est concordia tenenda

inter fratres et habenda

- "Unity among brothers is the thing to have and to keep"

Eight Stories:

About Laurus, the Sea-Eagle
About the Pheasant and the Peacock
About the Owl who wanted to rule over the Birds
About the Countryman and the Bees
About the Lion who built a Priory
About the Donkey-Centaur who built a Palace
About the Monkey who wrote Books
About the Wolf and the Donkey


Original editions

Johan Snell's printing

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David Kettlewell - david@peak.edu.ee