I'm sometimes a guest professor at Tartu University in Estonia,
and sometimes internet tutor for the University of Central Sweden

Click on an icon or a title to find all sorts of things
which may be helpful if you're studying...

David's Coffee-time Corner
time for a natter about whatever has happened lately: this week, an exciting design job for the cover of a renaissance music CD

Some thoughts on marking
particularly for the University of Central Sweden

"If I only had ten hours more each week..."
- "I read it at the breakfast table and couldn't stop before I'd read it through... it's both a piece of art and well-thought-through... most inspiring, I've started to look at things and people with very different eyes and reflecting over what people are really saying... - a warm thank-you!" (Merle, Tallinn)

"Living while the time passes"
a summary in English of Jan Helander's stimulating ideas:
About what school marks mean - and don't mean: ...about realising more of life's potential...


David's other web-sites
- on educating the whole person
- on making sense of life's puzzles
- on Renaissance musical thinking as a model for human harmony
as well as photo-albums from Estonia and from northern Sweden