Vad är en dator?

collage from Tage Danielsson,
När Ronja Rövardotter blev film

A computer can

- create wild scarybirds in the film Ronja Rövardotter  
- record and edit music for the CD consumption of the whole world
- realise the potential for textual, visual and sounding creativity for a whole generation of youngsters
- create contacts between researchers in the same field all over the world
- print the whole world's literature
- make the world's art treasures accessible for a minimal cost
- develop new forms of art
- talk to someone whose vision is impaired
- interpret speech from someone whose movement is impaired ......

Nowadays there are computers in everything: wristwatches, ovens both traditional and microwave, the instrument panel of a car, even inside the car's engine, to determine when the plugs need to fire...

big and small        the quality of life