SimpleCard Gallery

When asked to tell

The Story of SimpleCard

Niklas replied:

"Actually, I do not think there is much of a story to tell. The program sprung from my own needs and a growing dissatisfaction with HyperCard, most of all the lack of good color support. If HyperCard had added color support earlier, SimpleCard would probably never have been.

"When I get an idea for a program I usually make some sketches, try some different designs and work them over in my mind until I find something I am satisfied with. Many times, I do not find a satisfying solution and abandon the idea.

"Actually, the programming skills required for making SimpleCard are minimal (at least for the original version), since there are toolbox functions for the difficult stuff (such as drawing a picture or playing a sound).

"It is always nice to hear what people are doing with my programs. But the sad part is that I have much less free time today than I used to have a couple of years ago, so I am not always able to address bugs, respond to questions, etc."

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