Programmes which handle vector graphics -

a personal decision: 4 of 5

Pro Illustrator, anti FreeHand

- in FreeHand paths, brush strokes, text look horribly uneven on screen
- Illustrator has wonderful creative brush tools (picture modules) which FreeHand doesn't seem to have

- Illustrator has the great 'optimise for web' software developed in ImageReady, where you can compare the sizes and qualities of different compressions to make your choice

- click!
- FreeHand has no tool tips popping up to tell you what things are (though maybe it does by now, v.10)
- keyboard commands for the tools FreeHand aren't intuitive
- the colours didn't work when I tired to create PDFs out of FreeHand (maybe I was doing something wrong - but I couldn't make it work)
- FreeHand can't import a pict in enough detail that so you can trace vector-paths from it, not even manually

- the tab rulers are a (clumsy) preference in Freehand, a (handy) menu item in Illustrator

- Adobe's comparison of features suggests that Illustrator 10 has many more than Freehand 10; of course they're biased ... - click!
- the relative proportions of the market that Freehand and Illustrator have (i.e. not counting the others) are 18% for Freehand and 82% for Illustrator; of course quantity isn't everything, but perhaps it suggests that others have thought the same as me ... - click!