Seeds of Confidence - The Third International SEAL Conference in Argentina
February 10 - 12, 2000 - Buenos Aires

From Italy : "...nothing but praise for all of you..."


... I have nothing but praise for all of you. It was well organized, very friendly, but what surprised me most of all was the readiness of all the organizers to help, to make sure that everybody felt OK, to just be there whenever needed.

I would like to tell you a little story, though. As you probably remember, I was not too sure about travelling such a long way just to attend a three-day conference and also not knowing anyone, I was just a little concerned about the trip, especially when I didn't receive any details from Veronica. I didn't know she was on holiday, so I sent another e-mail, expressing this concern. Nothing. Then, one day I open my e-mail and find a message from Hector, which reads,

" I am sorry for my English. I am Veronica's husband. She is away on holiday........ Don't worry about anything. Our angels will take care of you. ............."

That was the Seed of Confidence I needed to go to Argentina. Sown in such a genuine way. Thank you, Hector.

There were many wonderful moments, too. One especially, a lovely T-shirt I received from Jane and Adrian. I really felt privileged to be in company of such lovely people. You all contributed to giving us a great time. Thank you.

With my fondest regards and very best wishes,


Trieste, Italy




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