Seeds of Confidence - The Third International SEAL Conference in Argentina
February 10 - 12, 2000 - Buenos Aires

" ...I was Greta for 120 minutes and I loved it... "

... I have participated in your workshops of SEAL Conference in Argentine. I am not a teacher, I only am an English language student and my teacher told me about SEAL and for his advice I went to this conference.

I loved your workshops! I love music so much, therefore I admire you.

In COUPLING THE WORDS AND THE NOTES LOVINGLY, I could know about the Renaissance music and with this, I could practice different exercises to pronunciation. I liked so much. And in fact, I discovered different "layers" of rhythm and different ways to manage all of these.

SWEDISH IN 120 MINUTES? was amazing to me because I could speak Swedish quickly! I enjoyed a lot. I was Greta for 120 minutes and I loved it. I could count, said some words, described different elements (colors, substances, etc.), and sang a Swedish song (It was incredible). I amused lots, lots, and lots. A WONDERFUL INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE.

For all, I want to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I will never forget this event in where the games are an enormous help to learn too.

You are an amazing person so, I would like to be in touch with you...

At all times,

Maria Rosa




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