The Third International SEAL Conference in Argentina - Seeds of Confidence
February 10 - 12, 2000 - Buenos Aires
Conference Proceedings - Articles by the Presenters

Juan Uribe

Holistic language acquisition for children

'To educate a child is not to fill a vase, it is to kindle a fire'


In this workshop we shared how young children can acquire languages in a holistic, calm, success-oriented and fun process.


It's important that language is used for real communication. Questions should be asked only when one person knows the answer: the student. Sentences like 'This is a car' should not be said since they wouldn't be said in the native language. Activities have to be geared to the child's cognitive level, not being too easy or too demanding. Teacher has to be realistic when praising. Hesitation, redundancy and clarification present in natural conversation give children tools for conversational management. The order language is presented depends on the need of communication at the moment. There's no pre-established syllabus. Language is used as means of receptiveness and expression at a deeper level.


Freedom of expression is essential. Children can express themselves in their native language during early stages and during their silent period. Through a mix of English and the native language the teacher makes sure that students understand everything that is being said in the class, gradually implementing new language in a smooth transitional spiral. Students start producing language with integrity when they are ready, saying what they want in their way, mixing both languages and gradually going to only English with teacher's support.


Total Physical Response helps children to respond correctly through movement in the early stages. Focus is on content. First we let the diamond grow and then later we shape it gradually. Tasks are automatically lowered when not achieved, so students always suceed. Correction is very smooth. Errors and mistakes are not pointed out, the teacher only repeats the word or structure in normal conversation.


Children play in the class. There's intrinsic pleasure in the activity. Puppets and storytelling open windows to children's world of fantasy. Laughter boosts attention span and releases endorphines optimal for learning. Students and teacher are envolved with curiosity, originality and creativity.






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