The Third International SEAL Conference in Argentina - Seeds of Confidence
February 10 - 12, 2000 - Buenos Aires
Conference Proceedings - Articles by the International Presenters

Jane Arnold
University of Seville, Spain

Move to Learn and Learn to Move

As a presenter, one hopes to bring something of interest to a conference. For my workshops at the SEAL Argentina conference in Buenos Aires I chose two areas which I see as useful when implementing an holistic approach to learning. Including a focus on movement in the classroom stimulates learning by bringing more oxygen to the brain and integrating right and left hemispheric functions, as well as by providing us with the means to vary the pace and the energy level of our classes. Our classrooms can also be enriched by the use of visualisation and imagery in nearly all areas of language teaching, both as a source of material and activities and as a means for developing more productive beliefs and attitudes about oneself and the language learning process. Incorporating both of these areas can give very valuable support to the cognitive aspects of learning.

Yet, as Adrian Underhill so wisely pointed out, we can't really be teaching (or presenting) if we are not also learning. And at SEAL Argentina 2000 I certainly learned a great deal. The participants generously shared with the presenters their world, their ideas, their stories, helping to make the "Seeds of Confidence" conference so exceptional. As a very delighted presenter, I would like to acknowledge not only the impeccable organization of the conference (I would be hard put even to imagine a better one), but also the warmth and enthusiasm of the participants and their dedication to their profession. In such an environment seeds can't help but grow. Thanks to the SEAL Argentina committee for making this experience possible and many greetings to all.






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