The Third International SEAL Conference in Argentina - Seeds of Confidence
February 10 - 12, 2000 - Buenos Aires
Conference Proceedings - Articles by the International Presenters

Henk Kooij

  • These are the descriptions of Henk's workshops - his article is to follow

The Hidden Power of Sound

    "The masters of antiquity like Pythagoras and Plato said that the soul is musical. If you understand that 'soul' means consciousness and that music also means sound, we can say that consciousness has a sounding nature". Iegor Reznikoff

    This workshop will explore the relationship between sound and body. It is aimed at presenting:

  • A historical overview of the use of sound in different traditions.
  • Some medical research on the effects of sound (Reznikoff).
  • Examples drawn from Henk's own clinical experience.
  • Henk will give you an experience of the effects you can have with your voice.

The Human Voice: "The Teacher's Most Powerful Instrument"

This workshop will

  • increase your awareness of the power of the human voice,
  • develop the power of the teacher's voice.

We shall

  • present experiential activities such as resonance and improvisations and,
  • give you tips to enhance your 'tool' and become more harmonic.





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