A sample lesson plan

Another Joke:

A woman goes into a bank and writes a cheque for £1 million and gives it to a teller.

The teller looks at the cheque, a little surprised, and apologises to the lady.

"Excuse me, Madam," she says, "But I've only been at this branch for a week now and so I don't know all of our clients very well, yet. Because your cheque is for a very large sum of money, could I ask you to please identify yourself?"

"Yes, of course," answers the woman quite pleasantly.

She puts her hand into her bag, takes out a mirror, looks at herself in the mirror and happily announces, "Yes, it's me!"

Say the above punch line in as ditzy a way as possible.

Get the students to repeat different parts of the story after you; insist on all the subtle intonations of an English conversation. Get them to then role play it. the whole process should be fast and only take a couple of minutes.

text songs 1 exchange office song 2 finding somewhere joke 1 post office

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