Before I recognised that I was hooked on FontLab, I formulated a new work-flow for Fontographer, following on from a simple tutorial for starters I did before, and which lots of people seem to have appreciated. Everything's in the manual and it's written in an empowering and friendly style, but I don't find that the structure makes sense for a beginner: here's my summary, with the page numbers referring to the 1996 paper manual for Fontographer 4.1: I can expand it with screen shots and aniumation if anyone thinks it would be helpful.

  1. name your font in Font Info, check at Adobe and MyFonts that the name isn't already used (p.43)
  2. save the database (= the Fontographer file)
  3. create the outlines
  4. in Photoshop or Illustrator: scan - select - copy
  5. in Fontographer: paste+auto-trace/import/draw outlines - fine-tune
  6. ligatures (p. 50)
  7. clean up paths (p.74)
  8. correct path directions (p.94)
  9. auto-space (p. 131)
  10. auto-kern (p. 132)
  11. fine-tune spacing the metrics window (kerning de-selected) (p. 134)
  12. fine-tune kerning pairs (kerning selected) (p. 135)
  13. print a character sample (p.153)
  14. different styles within the same family (p.197)
  15. generate the font (p. 77)
  16. install the font
  17. delete the background template images you pasted in if you want to save space on your hard disc