"It's not healthy to avoid conflicts"

What others have said about David:

Dagmar, David's Estonian lady friend:

There is a man and a woman in every person, and there's a lot of woman in David. In contrast to many other men he accepts this female side in himself. What's important about him from for me is that I learn lots from him, and that he cuddles a lot and well...

He has read a lot, and his erudition is very high. In him you get everything in concentrated form: the kernel content of all the books he has read.

David is always interested in what the other person is feeling and thinks. He wants to discuss things thoroughly and systematically, perhaps because he comes from England, and he's got an English traditionalism in the way he understand things, and in his tastes.

Once he's worked out the best way of doing something, he doesn't often compromise, and sometimes he expresses himself rather brusquely. You can say that he's the genius-type.

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