The History of Kettlewell Village - Arthur Raistrick

Times of change...

Very great changes occurred during and at the end of the sixteenth century which completely changed the life of the people.

First in 1534 the Dissolution of the Monasteries began, and Coverham Abbey estates passed into the hands of the Crown.

A generation later the Rising in the North in which the Earls of Westmorland, the Neville family were deeply involved, led to the forfeiture of their estates in 1569. The Lordship of Middleham to which the half of Kettlewell manor was attached was forfeit to the Crown, and so the two halves of Kettlewell were at last united as Crown estates.

In 1605 the Crown ordered a survey and valuation of the Lordships of Middleham and Richmond and this tells us many things about Kettlewell. In the summary it gives for Kettlewell, ''53 tenements; 41 houses; 81 outhouses; 578 acres 1 rood of Meadow and Arable land, 370 Pasture gates."

The Other Britain - The Dales